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BCT Commander

BCT Commander
Sale: US$12.95
Price: US$19.95
You Save: US$7.00 (35%)
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Availability: Immediate.

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Version: Windows Download
One of the most hyper realistic wargames available, BCT Commander is a real time strategy game that examines the complexities of fighting on the modern battlefield. Developed by ProSim, this sim is real enough to be in use as a training tool for armies around the world. If you've ever bemoaned the lack of realism found in most wargames here's your chance to step up to the plate.
"'s a rigorous, realistic simulation of what it's like to command a brigade of combined-arms troops in modern warfare." --Gamespot

winSPWW2 v.17

Sale: US$34.95
Price: US$39.95
You Save: US$5.00 (13%)
Average Rating: 5
Availability: Immediate.

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Version: Windows Download
winSPWW2, with its amazing amount of historical detail, massive amounts of gameplay, and an extreme dosage of the fun factor, is the game that should be on every tactical fan's hard drive. Find out why a game whose roots date back to the mid-90s is still being enjoyed on a daily basis worldwide.
World War II in a tactical turn based wargame from the creators of winSPMBT.
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