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Galactic Exploration Just Warped to a New Universe!

Galactic Exploration Just Warped to a New Universe!
Approaching Infinity Version 1.10 Now Available!

Wilmington, NC, 20 February 2015

  Just two months after the release of Approaching Infinity, Ibology and Shrapnel Games have released the first update to the popular game of infinite intergalactic exploration and adventure. The patch will update Approaching Infinity to version 1.10 and not only includes bug fixes, but also adds many additions and improvements. The update is available for both Windows and Mac OSX.

 There are 7 bug fixes, 7 major changes, and almost 20 additions and minor changes. Here are just a few of the updates:

Please Note: This patch is not compatible with existing saved games. Do not update until you are ready to start a new game.

•Fixed incorrect devices being given for some quests
•Fixed an issue with officer's names repeating in multiple sectors
•Fixed monitoring of the "trap" achievements
•Four More Fixes

•Expanded tooltips for many situations
•Made artifacts interact with each other
•Gave the Stealth Runner starting ship better equipment
•Added supply cost to away missions
•Three additional Major Changes

•Shift+Control+F will cycle fonts
•Added CANYON planet generator
•Added 11 new monsters
•Added 2 new kinds of special space suits
•Long away missions provide extra officer XP upon safe return
•Fourteen more changes and additions

 The patch can be downloaded directly from the Shrapnel Games' official product page for Approaching Infinity, found below. Look for the download link to the right.

 Approaching Infinity is a turn-based science fiction game of infinite space exploration and adventure. Each game grants you an entirely new universe, allowing for unlimited replayability. Designed for both casual and experienced players of the rogue-like genre, tool tips, contextual commands, a tutorial, and a sensible UI all help to make this game highly accessible.

 "The key to Approaching Infinity's success is its combination of simplicity and surprising depth..." --Waltorious Writes About Games.

 "...the gameplay is both fun and unlimited, and just as likely to be as fun today as it will be ten years from now." --John Breeden II, GiN - Game Industry News.

 "But if you know what you're getting into with this type of game, Approaching Infinity is a landmark for the genre, and well worth the investment." --Doom, TeamPlayerGaming.

 While downloading the update take a moment to sign up for our Friends & Fans Email List. The upcoming issue has Part One of our interview with Bob Saunders, creator of Approaching Infinity. Part Two of the interview will come out next month.

 Haven't gotten your copy of Approaching Infinity yet? Tired of all the cool gamers making snide remarks because of this? Join the cool crowd by ordering your copy today! Available as a physical product or download, just follow this link to order from our official online store, the Gamers Front:

 Please visit our site at for our complete catalog of award-winning games. Since 1999 Shrapnel Games has been entertaining gamers around the world with a wonderful mix of eclectic strategy, simulation, and other genre computer gaming. Download any of our demos and experience the thrill of rediscovering substance over flash.

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