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winSPMBT: Main Battle Tank v.17 Reviews
Average Customer Rating: 4.79
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Steve (Guest)
Steel Panthers II
I would love to see the ORIGINAL Steel Panthers II campaign scenarios replicated to this game - KOREA 1950, DESERT STORM, etc.
Mrprofilen (Guest)
Good! Very good!
I've spent nearly every day or every other day playing this game for the past 2 years. I just can't get enough of it. I even got into modding and adding completely new units.

As per usual, the AI does seem like it gets a really competitive edge on the player. But, it's still bearable.
jivemi (Guest)
Must be the best of its kind
Lutz (Guest)
a weekend without SPMBT/SPWW2 is wasted time :-)
The years gone by and this is the only game that has accompanied me. Version 11, especially the extended CD has some renewables i really enjoy.
jivemi (Guest)
a great combined-arms tactical wargame
Sophisticated and continually updated unit details for infantry squads, tanks or other AFVs, artillery, even jets. Miscellaneous units like trucks, prime movers, ammo resupply, mineclearing and more. Annual patches (it's now on DL version 10.0) add human-designed scenarios and campaigns, gameplay changes and OOB revisions.

Despite limitations of turn-based fire and movement with relatively simple graphics this has got to be the best hex-based wargame out there.
Street (Guest)
Very good -- 8/10
I love the entire SP series. As a retired fighter pilot currently working near-future CAS and other fighter missions, I often try new ideas out in winSPMB. The game has some limitations regarding modern PGMs that could be easily corrected.

I don't find a good way to add Excalibur, GMLRS, or XM395 to the game. None of these GPS-guided indirect fire weapons can be given a realistic accuracy.

There is also a problem with modern AFVs and reactive armor. RA works fine against shaped-charge warheads the size of a Hellfire or tank round, but in the real world it does nothing against larger weapons like AGM-65 or the up-coming GBU-53 SDB-II. But in the game it works almost 100% of the time.

Maybe these are items for the next patch??
Ken (Guest)
Life Consuming!
Spent countless hours, so much to do. So much detail and work has been put into this game. Very addicted and can't stop playing. Would love for the graphics to be updated a bit but I totally understand thats not their focus.
Aukel (Guest)
Best Wargame Ever
I am embarrassed to say I have only just come across winSPMBT in the last few weeks, mostly because it is the game I have been looking for for years and years, and apparently it has been out there for quite a while.

The scope of the game from small firefights up to Battalion level games is brilliant. The depth of the game with so many countries represented is excellent.

The community that creates more and more scenarios, and campaigns is committed and fruitful.

I have never been more impressed with a game.

I have been looking for an alternative to tabletop gaming for many years, but have never found a game that matches what I wanted, until winSPMBT popped up in a browser search.

I downloaded the free version and played it for a few weeks, then lurked on the forum for a bit, then noticed an announcement that a new update was coming. Apparently out of the blue, since the devs had taken a break, for a while.

I was perfectly happy with version 8, and now there is a version 9 just over the horizon.

Too much, overload, so I bought the full CD/Enhanced version, since that is the kind of dedication to a game that I can really get behind.

The change from small windowed version (free) to the full screen game I have now is well worth it, without the update, but now I can play that as well in a couple of days.

The gameplay is simple and easy to follow and the game is great for implementing the tactics and doctrine I picked when I served.

I can play the game the way I want, and win or lose I still enjoy it.

And that is before I even get started with PBEM gaming or tournaments.

Well done to Shrapnel Games for keeping this gameline alive and well and truly kicking.
Calliban (Guest)
Tons of hours!
Very fun and addictive game, spent many days of playing and testing units and strategys
Saxon (Guest)
Best game I've ever played - seriously
If you like top-down turn based wargaming, or table-top wargaming, this game is for you.
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winSPMBT: Main Battle Tank
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