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About Shrapnel Games, Inc.

Formed in 1999 by Tim Brooks as a vehicle to publish the sequel to the hit skirmish level tactical wargame, 101st: The Airborne Invasion of Normandy, Shrapnel Games soon took on a new persona as a publisher of the finest niche gaming found on the Internet. With numerous genres represented by a bevy of critically acclaimed titles, Shrapnel Games has a little something for everyone tired of the mundane world of mainstream gaming.

As Shrapnel Games continues to grow into other areas, such as the world of boardgaming, we will never sell out the ideals that Tim based the company on and which have driven his life. Since 1999 Shrapnel Games has offered the world the best of strategy, war, role-playing, and more, and will continue to do so for years to come.

About The Gamers Front

In 2002 Shrapnel Games, Inc. broke off their Game Shop into its own division, the Gamers Front. Since then, the Gamers Front has gone through several iterations and looks. In December, 2005, new store and customer service software were introduced to bring a higher level of support and service to the growing Shrapnel Games customer base.

Also, in 2005, Shrapnel Games and the Gamers Front were relocated from Cary to Hampstead, North Carolina, a suburb of historic Wilmington. The move of the Gamers Front to a port city was due in part to the growth in international sales of Shrapnel Games products.

In 2010, the store front was once again changed to its current and most powerful incarnation yet. The Gamers Front is dedicated to improving not only our customers shopping experience, but also our unrivaled levels of customer support.

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